Interested in Becoming A Tutor? Fill Out This Form!

We will have someone in contact with you shortly.

Phone & Tablet Users

If you are trying to fill out the “returning tutor” form, you may have to scroll to the bottom to locate the tab and click on it.

#Values The Values of L'Avenir Volunteers

Our tutors are leaders that espouse our values and strive to best help students when learning.


Our tutors demonstrate integrity, honesty and openness. Guided by our values.


We seek to empower all students egardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status.

Social Impact

Our tutors strive to create positive changes in the social sphere for our students.


Our tutors strive to help our young scholars of Saint Louis improve in all subjects.

Deep Honesty

Honesty and transparency are core to our organization's values and is expected from our tutors.


Being a tutor at L'Avenir means absolute commitment to our students.